Tuesday 20 August 2024




At this point, I am about to start on 1984. Normally, I make no introduction to a new year, but 1984 is different. To my mind 1984 is one of the great movie years. I am, of course hopelessly biased as I grew up with these movies, but even with that in mind, the List is exceptionally stingy for this year. When I look down on lists of what was released in 1984, I am amazed the editors found room for so few movies.

Of course, the list of movies I like is a product of my personal taste and looking down the release list, many of them do not qualify as great, but they mean something to me and where I would normally add three off-List moves to review, here I feel I could add ten movies and not be done with it.

I already picked my three movies to add, but do not be surprised if a few more sneak themselves onto my block. For now, I will make a quick run-down on movies that did not make the cut for the List, but which I think deserve at least a mentioning.

In addition, there are a similarly long list of movies I am not familiar with but that I very much would like to watch. Most of those have slightly more adult zing than those on the list below.


Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Seriously? Even if this is the poorest of the three great Indiana Jones movies, it is a no-brainer. I picked this as off-List without blinking.

Karate Kid

Maybe not film art but a pop-culture landmark. Who does not know “wax-on, wax-off” and Mr. Miyagi? Also, “Cobra Kai” is one of the best current series on Netflix. This I also picked as off-List for 1984.


Why is this movie not on the list? This is better and more important than at least half the movies on the List. The only explanation is that the editors do not like comedies and blockbusters. This is both. Of course, I added this one.

Romancing the Stone

While this is “Indiana Jones light”, it is also immensely entertaining and one of those movies I have watched so many times.

Police Academy

Yeah, I know, not film art, but this, the first instalment was immensely funny when it came out. I have rewatched it a few times since and while it has not aged too well, I still have a good time watching this.

The NeverEnding Story

This was a monster hit in 1984, at least in Denmark. Everybody was singing the Limahl theme song, and I even went on to read the book. Personally, I found both book and film a bit disappointing, but I was in the minority at the time.


Well, Kevin Bacon dancing...

Revenge of the Nerds

Again, not exactly high brow, but every time I think of the Nerds movies, I fell like revisiting them. This one is the mother of the Nerds movies, and the jokes are not as stupid as they later became.


A guilty pleasure. Not a great movie, but with Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks. That alone makes it worth watching.

Red Dawn

Decidedly a B-movie, but the list of young actors that would later become big names is amazing.


With Jeff Bridges as the alien, this is a decent romantic sci-fi.

The Last Starfighter

I only watched this one in recent years and have not the sweet memories of childhood. Still not a bad sci-fi.

Blood Simple

The first feature from the Coen brothers. Say no more.

Purple Rain


All of Me

Steve Martin is not my favourite comedian, but this one is one of those I like the best.


David Lynch version of Dune took a lot of heat, but I quite like it. If anything, it is not Lynch enough.

Bachelor Party

One of Tom Hanks’ earliest movie. This movie it totally nuts.

Canonball Run II

Okay, not a good movie, but it was the very first movie I went to see without parents. I thought it was great. I was 11 years old, so that kind of figures.



  1. It was a great year to be 16 or 17 when it comes to movies.

    1. The older I get, the more I miss the eighties.
