Sunday, 16 February 2025

The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)

 The Purple Rose of Cairo

My personal opinion that the best Woody Allen movies are those without Woody Allen just got another confirmation. While “The Purple Rose of Cairo” is undisputably a Woody Allen movie, he is himself absent from the movie and the movie totally works.

We are in New Jersey during the Great Depression where Cecilia (Mia Farrow) is a not very successful waitress, living in a not very successful relationship with the abusive and lazy Monk (Danny Aiello). Cecilia spends her time dreaming of something better and nowhere more so than in the cinema.

Her current favourite movie is a romantic flick called “The Purple Rose of Cairo” and she watches it as often as she can get away with it. One fateful evening something weird happens. The character Tom Baxter (Jeff Daniels), an archaeologist who in the movie will fall in love with a cabaret singer, suddenly turns around and addresses Cecilia directly. He has noticed that she is always there and looking at him and he want to know her. Tom steps out of the movie and leave the cinema with Cecilia.

Unsurprisingly, this gets both very strange and really messy. The movie cannot go on without Tom, leaving the other characters in confusion, the cinema owner does not know if he dares stop the movie and calls the studio in a panic. The studio is at a loss on what to do since this is spreading to other towns and sends the actor behind the Tom Baxter character, Gil Shepherd, to New Jersey to convince Tom to rejoin the movie. Meanwhile, Cecilia and Tom have a most strange affair with Tom realizing that the real world is a lot more complicated than his movie world and Cecilia trying to balance everything going on. This is not getting easier when Gil shows up and seduces her. Now Cecilia has to chose between a fantasy character or a real-life man.

It is very easy to recognize this as a Woody Allen movie. He has projected a lot of his own characters into the Cecilia character, making her a female version of himself. Woody Allen also has a thing for the period between the wars and in many ways “The Purple Rose of Cairo” is a parallel to his later movie “Midnight in Paris”, which incidentally is my favourite Woody Allen movie. While Owen Wilson’s character is being transported back to the 1920’ies, Cecilia is being transported into the world of her movies (in the thirties) and this daydream or surreal experience helps them find out something about themselves and get out of a rut they are stuck in.

The idea of getting in and out of a movie harks back to at least Buster Keaton’s “Sherlock Jr.” and this is an obvious inspiration. A decade or so after “The Purple Rose of Cairo”, this theme was explored again in “The Last Action Hero” with a lot of the same points. This is both a very outlandish theme and one that most people cannot help to have had, watching movies, “what if I could join the movie or maybe these people would show up in real life?”. It takes some juggling to make us suspend our disbelief, but I think Allen is quite successful here, mainly by making it a comedy. By using it for comedic effect, we can laugh off the elements that makes no sense and the craziness becomes part of the fun.

This is where I think “The Purple Rose of Cairo” gets successful, it is genuinely funny. Not in the slapstick manner of “Sherlock Jr.”, but in the messy way an Allen movie gets funny with the critical element that we are spared Allen himself. Mia Farrow and Jeff Daniels are fully able to lift this kind of comedy, and I was having a great time watching this.

I honestly expected this to be a movie I just had to get over with and then it turned out to be one of the best movies so far of 1985. Highly recommended.


Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Out of Africa (1985)


Mit Afrika

“Out of Africa” was one of the big winners at the Academy Awards for this year, and it is not difficult to see why. This is a gorgeous looking movie with A-list actors and a biopic that avoids many of the classic story-arch tropes. I believe I only watched it once before, at an age where I was totally unable to appreciate it.

Karen Dinesen (Meryl Streep), of affluent family and Bror Blixen (Klaus Maria Brandauer), a Swedish Baron, both long to get away to live a different life and so make an alliance of convenience and move together to Kenya, a British colony in 1913, to setup a farm. Karen, now Baroness Blixen, soon finds herself pretty much alone on the farm as Bror is busy everywhere else than home. She has to learn to navigate this very different environment the hard way, but she gets to love her life on the farm and her interactions with the Kikuyu tribe as well as the Western community.

Through her friendship with Denys Finch Hatton (Robert Redford) she gets to appreciate the wilderness, which makes for an odd counterpoint to her very European home at the farm. Yet, her wilderness skills come in handy when, instead of being evacuated during the war, she opt to run supplies through the wilderness to troops fighting Germans in Tanzania (then German East Africa). As her relationship with Bror becomes increasingly estranged, her relationship with Denys develops into an awkward romance. Awkward, because it challenges Denys free spirit nature. Yet, it is safe to say that Karen Blixen was also quite a headstrong free spirit herself.

Rather than the custom happy ending, the finale is something of a collapse. Certainly, Karen’s African adventure comes to a sudden halt, but even that is done with a poetic touch and not without beauty.

To my great shame I have never read anything by Karen Blixen, and I have not even visited her home, Rungstedlund, now a museum, even though it is only a short drive from where I live. Yet, I am familiar enough with her appearance and reputation and, knowing that, trying to apply those on Meryl Streep’s character is an interesting exercise. I think she does it quite well. There is a long way from the old lady I am familiar with to the young woman moving to Kenya, but I sense her spirit here. Only clear miss is the awful attempt at replicating Karen Blixen’s characteristic haughty Rungsted accent. It just sound weird and sometimes it is entirely forgotten.

I very much like that this is a biopic that try to tell her story and tell us why it is that she is supposed to be special. Of course there is a lot of human-interest elements, but these are integral parts of her story and are not overshadowing her work and the personality that would grow into the famous writer she became. I also like that, despite some deviations from her actual history, the story development is tied to her real life. It takes the story in directions an invented story with its requirements to follow a Hollywood story-arch, would never go.

This is a slow picture. Despite it’s 160 minutes, the story is fairly easy to sum up, but I think this slow pacing was a good choice for this movie. It has to dwell on the characters and the situations for it to get under our skin. It allows us to get familiar with Karen Blixen’s life in Africa, even in details that might otherwise be neglected because it is in those details the story gets special.

“Out of Africa” is also a window into colonial Africa. In hindsight we can mock or be upset about the colonial order of things, such as the white Europeans looking completely out of place, yet lording it among the natives, but I think the movie has enough sensitivity that it can both show the absurdity in this status and find objectively good elements happening. The Masai are described with awe and respect, the issues around schooling for people who until recently had no use of it, and the potential conflict between economic development and preservation of nature and culture. There are a lot of layers in this movie, and it is its slowness that allow them to be there.

I liked “Out of Africa” a lot better than I expected I would, and I think I will point towards this one in the future when discussing biopics. It is a movie for adults, but I think I have finally grown old enough to watch and enjoy it.